Computational Management Science is an international journal published by Springer focusing on all computational aspects of management science. These include theoretical and empirical analysis of computational models; computational statistics; analysis and applications of constrained, unconstrained, robust, stochastic and combinatorial optimisation algorithms; dynamic models, such as dynamic programming and decision trees; new search tools and algorithms for global optimisation, modelling, learning and forecasting; models and tools of knowledge acquisition.

The emphasis on computational paradigms is an intended feature of CMS, distinguishing it from more classical operations research journals.

See the CMS webpage here.

Special issue

The international Journal Computational Management Science is editing a special issue on the occasion of the 13th conference of the same name held in Salamanca Spain, May 31-June 2, 2016.

We invite recent contributions with a strong focus on the computational aspects of management science. Submission is not restricted to participants of the conference.

Topics include theoretical and empirical analysis of computational models; computational statistics; analysis and applications of constrained, unconstrained, robust, stochastic and combinatorial optimisation algorithms; dynamic models, such as dynamic programming and decision trees; new search tools and algorithms for global optimisation, modelling, learning and forecasting; models and tools of knowledge acquisition.

Manuscripts should be submitted via the CMS submission system, choosing special issue: “S.I.: CMS 2016“:

Deadline for the submission of full papers: October 30, 2016. Additional information can be obtained from the guest editors.

Guest Editors:

Antonio Alonso Ayuso
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles (Madrid, Spain)
antonio [dot] alonso [at] urjc [dot] es

Francesca Maggioni
University of Bergamo, Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods, Bergamo (Italy)
francesca [dot] maggioni [at} unibg [dot] it

Latest news

  • 1/8/16
    Paper submission is open
  • 1/8/16
    Registration is open


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