The registration payment period is now open.

To attend the conference, you must register at the conference website here.

If you are not yet pre-registered, please go to Pre-registration section on the website menu and then, go back to Registration in the Attendance section on the website menu.

Payment process

If you are already pre-registered, login here and go back to Registration in the Attendance section on the website menu.

Payment management

MasterCongresos (The Technical Secretariat) is the company in charge of the payments management. MasterCongresos is responsible for the associated arrangements related to registration payments.
          MasterCongresos S.L - Avda. Fuencarral, 14-16 - Edificio Alcovega, Bloque D, 1ª planta, Oficina D07
          28108 Alcobendas – Madrid.
          VAT NUMBER: ES B85556991

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  • 1/8/16
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