J. Omer, T. Lehouillier, M. I. Nasri, F. Soumis, G. Desaulniers

This study focuses on the air conflict resolution problem under uncertainties. We consider errors due to wind, to imprecision on the aircraft speed prediction, and to delay in the execution of maneuvers. An approximate expression of the probability of conflict is incorporated into an existing deterministic model for conflict resolution, which solves the problem as a maximum clique of minimum weight in a graph whose vertices represent possible maneuvers and where edges link conflict free maneuvers of different aircraft. We then present a solution procedure focusing on two criteria, namely fuel consumption and the probability of conflict. We iteratively generate solutions of the Pareto front to provide the controller with a set of possible solutions where he/she can choose the one corresponding the most to his/her preferences. Computational results highlight that up to 10 different solutions for instances involving up to 35 aircraft are generated within three minutes.

Keywords: air traffic control, multi-objective programming, mixed integer programming, uncertainties


ThA2 Multiobjective optimization
June 2, 2016  9:00 AM
Sala de pinturas

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